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Northern York County Rod & Gun Club

West Newfield, Maine
Club Safety & Range Rules
Safely First! All shooters have the personal responsibility to make sure that every bullet fired impacts safely in the impact berm/backstop. All shooting shall be initiated from the proper, approved firing line, at a properly prepared target, placed in the proper location. If you are in doubt as to the correct firing line, target preparation or placement, you should not be using the range in question. DO NOT SHOOT, contact a range safety officer.


  • All NRA Range Safety Rules are to be observed at all times.
  • ALWAYS keep your gun pointed in a safe direction.
  • ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
  • ALWAYS keep your firearm unloaded until ready to shoot.
  • Treat every firearm as if is loaded at all times.
  • Know your target and what is beyond.
  • Know how to use your gun safely.
  • Be sure your gun is safe to operate.
  • Use only the correct ammunition for your gun.
  • Wear appropriate ear and eye protection.
2024 Range Rules:
***NOTE – Please read the Range Rules before you fill out your new membership. Once you have read the range rules and understand them, please sign the bottom of your membership form saying you have read the range rules and understand them. This is part of your membership renewal for the club.

Violation of the Range Rules may result in forfeiture of Club Membership and/or banning from Club property.

  1. Before anyone goes forward of the firing line, ALL firearms must be made safe, or holstered. Cylinders unloaded and/or magazines removed, chamber empty, action must be open, and firearms shall remain lying on the bench or stand pointed in a safe direction, or holstered until all persons are again behind the firing line.
  2. The CEASE FIRE command may be given by anyone. If cease fire is called, everyone must stop shooting at once; firearms shall be cleared and made safe as per #1 above.
  3. Do not use target stand base to prop targets and do not shoot at target stands or ground base supports.
  4. The practice of manually “BUMP FIRING” firearms is prohibited.
  5. Fully automatic, and firearms firing .50 caliber BMG rounds are prohibited on all NYCR&G ranges.
  6. Targets are to be placed directly in front and at the bottom of the berm/backstop; and are to be located so that bullets, slugs, or shot do not strike the ground/floor of the range.
  7. There shall be no use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or other intoxicants of any kind on the Club ranges at any time. Any shooter using any medication or intoxicant that might in any way impair his/her ability to shoot safely shall not use any firearms. Violating the rule could jeopardize the safety of individuals or cause damage to equipment or facilities.
  8. The use of Northern York County Rod & Gun Club facilities is limited to members and invited guests [limited to a maximum of two (2) guests on the range at one time.], except as otherwise directed by the Board of Directors, or during a training event. Anyone using the facilities, including guests, is subject to the rules and regulations of the Club. Members shall be with their guests and will always be responsible for their actions and the actions of their guests.
  9. The purpose of the security gate at the entrance is to ensure that only members and authorized individuals are allowed onto NYCR&G property. This is a safety, security and liability issue for the NYCR&C as an organization and corporation. All current and up to date members will be issued a combination for their exclusive use only. A gate combination may be issued to customers or vendors that have contracts or business agreements with the Club.
  10. Each member shall prominently display his/her membership card while on Club premises.
  11. Children under the age of eighteen are not allowed on the NYCR&G ranges unless they are under direct supervision of an adult who is a member and who shall be responsible for them.
  12. Anyone causing damage to Club property, equipment or facilities shall be personally liable for such damage and shall be subject to Club discipline and criminal prosecution.
  13. The Club shall not be responsible for personal property or equipment left on Club premises.
  14. Only targets approved by the Board of Directors are to be used. No exploding targets, glass targets or targets that could cause injury should be used.
  15. All cartridge cases and dud rounds must be picked up after shooting and disposed of properly. Targets are to be picked up and removed from the range when you are done shooting. Take out what you carry in. Keep YOUR RANGES CLEAN.
  16. No ground targets are allowed on the range except by permission of the Board of Directors. Clay pigeons are allowed to be placed at the midpoint (base to top) of impact berm/backstop and used as acceptable targets.
  17. The use of metal targets is permissible under the following provisions:
    *The Targets must be made or constructed of AR500 steel at a minimum; and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications; regarding the safe calibers, plate thickness and safe distance from shooter to the target.
    **Shooters are responsible for obtaining/purchasing their own targets. The Club will not provide Metal Targets.
    ***Must use solid lead or copper jacketed bullets. No steel core or metal jacketed bullets (other than copper). No discarded metal, metal junk or trash is to be used as a target.
    ****All regular Range Rules dealing with target placement (close to the berm, as low as possible on the berm, move the shooting position, not the target for changes in distance) still apply.
  18. The Board of Directors or their designee shall have full authority to act on any range safety issue in accordance with approved safety rules. Any member or guest shall immediately abide by any order of the Board of Directors or their designee. Disagreements shall be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors for resolution.
  19. No shooting shall commence on any range prior to 0800 (8:00 am) or continue after sunset. Shooting on Sundays to commence no earlier than 0900 (9:00 am). Special Exceptions may apply at the discretion of the Board of Directors for training or special events.
  20. No unauthorized vehicles to be on the range.
  21. If the range is to be worked on, maintained, or used for another purpose, the Board of Directors shall be notified. There shall be no shooting on the range being worked on, maintained, or used for another purpose. The Board of Directors or their designee has the authority to close ranges and if necessary, put signs in place stating such.
  22. If a member is on the range and another member arrives and wishes to shoot at a different distance than the first member, the first member may continue to shoot up to 30 minutes more before stepping off the range to allow the next shooter opportunity to use the range.