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Northern York County Rod & Gun Club

West Newfield, Maine

2025 – Events & Archives:

Results of the Rock Haven Lake Ice Fishing Derby – Feb 15, 2025

We had a nice volunteer turnout and that was extremely helpful. Thanks to all that came to support the event! It was sunny and very cold, but we all had a good time!

We had 17 adults enter the derby and the winner split the pot and took home $85. The children that won all took home trophies.

Winners at the 2/15/25 Ice Fishing Derby:

  • Adult competition –
    • Kory Sanborn, with a bass weighing 2.53lbs
  • Children’s competition –
    • 1st place: Violet, with an 18.5″ pickerel
    • 2nd place: Braxton, with an 18″ pickerel
    • 3rd place: Brayden, with a 17.5″ pickerel
  • 50/50 Raffle Drawing- Lisa Demeule > $39, which she graciously donated back to the club.

2024 – Events & Archives

*2024 Club Accomplishments:

  1. Redesign and revamp of the website to include a fresh looking Welcome Page along with drop down menu and added content.
  2. Yard clean up after April snowstorm. We had a multitude of downed branches, tree limbs and trees which needed to be cut up, removed from the grounds and then stacked up for future chipping. Because of the storm, we had far more work to accomplish than the normal spring cleanup.
  3. This year we held multiple raffles throughout the year rather than one single raffle at the end of the year [3 firearms raffles and 1 general merchandize raffle, 4 total]. This was successful, and we chose to continue with multiple raffles for year 2025.
  4. The Club By-Laws were updated to reflect updated procedures for using the Club facilities.
  5. We instituted fall voting (September) for the Club Officers and Board of Directors. This was done so that our members, who are seasonal and not around after the fall, could vote and have a say in selecting their Club representatives for the following year.
  6. Club Enhancements: added wood chips along the sides of the access road for the rifle range to help mitigate erosion, installed distance markers along the side of the range at 50 yd intervals, painted the cable spools/shooting benches bright orange, repaired the front swing arm gate, installed a new outside bulletin board, purchased new fire extinguishers and first aid kits, installed a new archery target, painted the side shed adjacent to the metal storage container, to include the big wooden doors to the storage container.
  7. Established competitive shooting events. We held 5 Turkey Shoots during the year. This is a popular event, and we chose to continue having Turkey Shoots for year 2025.
  8. Generator service. We had the generator serviced by Dirfy Generators for the first time in memory. All maintenance items were inspected and serviced.
  9. We held 21 Club Events throughout the year, and each one required club member support. Thanks all, for your continued volunteered generosity in helping us succeed as a community sportsman organization.

